“THE GREEN WOMAN BOLD … Medicine Wheel“

Researching for an earlier painting series, I discovered the strong Native American connections to the 4 seasons.  There are many varying beliefs but all have common understandings that bind this medicine wheel together.  Some of these qualities are written quietly within the sections…if you can’t read them they are listed below.

  • EAST: yellow; spiritual; generosity; eagle; visionary; fire element

  • SOUTH: red; healing; fortitude; coyote; emotion; water element

  • WEST: black; physical; the healer; bear; body; earth element

  • NORTH: white; forgiveness; eldership; deer; air element

"THE GREEN WOMAN BOLD … Medicine Wheel"

24"H x 20"W

Mixed medium: acrylic paints, inks, craypaux, colored pencils on Bristol board.

Photo by SkyLark Images